hp/kW21 / 15,5 Honda GX630
Sminuzzano sia piccole che grandi potature di aree verdi,
diminuendone il volume per facilitarne il trasporto e ottenere ottimo compost o cippato.
10 - 14
hp/kW≥ 35 / 25,7
hp/kW≥ 35 / 25,7
Suitable for shredding wood, even damp and fibrous - typical of bio-shredders.
Sharpenable blades (hardened steel)
Mobile reversible hammers (hardened steel)
Guarantees the chips' small dimensions.
Makes the vegetable waste feed efficient.
Facilitates the vegetable waste feed and allows to reach a high hourly output.
Guarantees the operator's safety, avoiding the accidental ejection of the chips in his direction.
Facilitates the vegetable waste feed and allows to reach a high hourly output.
Facilitates and speeds up the machine maintenance.
Controls the vegetable waste feed automatically (Nostress) and the functional parameters of the machine itself.